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Number 1 Singles - 1990s

Our main database does not give the precise date that a record reached the Number 1 spot. That situation is remedied here. The tables below list the running total of different number 1s, the date the track reached the peak, artist name, song title(s) and weeks at the summit.

The dates given below are for 'week ending'. Note that you can quickly and easily find the 'realtime' Number 1 for any given date via our date engine

(See the faqs for the difference between 'week ending' and 'realtime' Number 1.)

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63913 JanNew Kids On The BlockHangin' Tough2
64027 Jan Kylie MinogueTears On My Pillow1
6413 FebSinead O'ConnorNothing Compares 2 U 4
6423 MarBeats International featuring Lindy LaytonDub Be Good To Me4
64331 MarSnapThe Power2
64414 AprMadonnaVogue4
64512 MayAdamskiKiller4
6469 JunEnglandneworderWorld In Motion2
64723 JunElton JohnSacrifice / Healing Hands5
64828 JulPartners In KrymeTurtle Power4
64925 AugBombalurinaItsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini3
65015 SepThe Steve Miller BandThe Joker2
65129 SepMaria McKeeShow Me Heaven4
65227 OctThe Beautiful SouthA Little Time1
6533 NovThe Righteous BrothersUnchained Melody4
6541 DecVanilla IceIce Ice Baby4
65529 DecCliff RichardSaviours' Day1

6565 JanIron MaidenBring Your Daughter...To The Slaughter2
65719 JanEnigmaSadness Part 11
65826 JanQueenInnuendo1
6592 FebThe K.L.F. featuring Children of
The Revolution
3AM Eternal2
66016 FebThe SimpsonsDo The Bartman3
6619 MarThe ClashShould I Stay Or Should I Go2
66223 MarHale & PaceThe Stonk1
66330 MarChesney HawkesThe One And Only5
6644 MayCherThe Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)5
6658 JunColor Me BaddI Wanna Sex You Up3
66629 JunJason DonovanAny Dream Will Do2
66713 JulBryan Adams(Everything I Do) I Do It For You16
6682 NovU2The Fly1
6699 NovVic Reeves & The Wonder StuffDizzy2
67023 NovMichael JacksonBlack Or White2
6717 DecGeorge Michael & Elton JohnDon't Let The Sun Go Down On Me2
67221 DecQueenBohemian Rhapsody    [second time at no. 1]    /
These Are The Days Of Our Lives

67325 JanWet Wet WetGoodnight Girl4
67422 FebShakespear's SisterStay8
67518 AprRight Said FredDeeply Dippy3
6769 MayK.W.S.Please Don't Go/Game Boy5
67713 JunErasureAbba-Esque (EP)5
67818 JulJimmy NailAin't No Doubt3
6798 AugSnapRhythm Is A Dancer6
68019 SepThe ShamenEbeneezer Goode4
68117 OctTasmin ArcherSleeping Satellite2
68231 OctBoyz II MenEnd Of The Road3
68321 NovCharles & EddieWould I Lie To You?2
6845 DecWhitney HoustonI Will Always Love You10

68513 Feb2 UnlimitedNo Limit5
68620 MarShaggyOh Carolina2
6873 AprThe BluebellsYoung At Heart4
6881 MayGeorge Michael & Queen with
Lisa Stansfield
Five Live EP3
68922 MayAce Of BaseAll That She Wants3
69012 JunUB40(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You2
691 26 JunGabrielleDreams3
69217 JulTake ThatPray4
693 14 AugFreddie MercuryLiving On My Own2
69428 AugCulture BeatMr Vain4
695 25 SepJazzy Jeff & The Fresh PrinceBoom! Shake The Room2
6969 OctTake That featuring LuluRelight My Fire2
697 23 OctMeat LoafI'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)7
69811 DecMr BlobbyMr Blobby1
699 18 DecTake ThatBabe1
re25 DecMr BlobbyMr Blobby2

7008 JanChaka Demus & PliersTwist And Shout2
70122 JanD:ReamThings Can Only Get Better4
70219 FebMariah CareyWithout You4
70319 MarDoopDoop3
7049 AprTake ThatEverything Changes2
70523 AprPrinceThe Most Beautiful Girl In The World2
7067 MayTony Di BartThe Real Thing1
70714 MayStiltskinInside1
70821 MayManchester United Football SquadCome On You Reds2
7094 JunWet Wet WetLove Is All Around15
71017 SepWhigfieldSaturday Night4
71115 OctTake ThatSure2
71229 OctPato BantonBaby Come Back4
71326 NovBaby DLet Me Be Your Fantasy2
71410 DecEast 17Stay Another Day6

71514 JanRednexCotton Eye Joe3
7164 FebCeline DionThink Twice7
71725 MarCher, Chrissie Hynde &
Neneh Cherry with Eric Clapton
Love Can Build A Bridge1
7181 AprThe Outhere BrothersDon't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)1
7198 AprTake ThatBack For Good4
7206 MayOasisSome Might Say1
72113 MayLivin' JoyDreamer1
72220 MayRobson & JeromeUnchained Melody / The White Cliffs Of Dover7
7238 JulThe Outhere BrothersBoom Boom Boom4
7245 AugTake ThatNever Forget3
72526 AugBlurCountry House2
7269 SepMichael JacksonYou Are Not Alone2
72723 SepShaggyBoombastic1
72830 SepSimply RedFairground4
72928 OctCoolio featuring L.V.Gangsta's Paradise2
73011 NovRobson & JeromeI Believe / Up On The Roof4
7319 DecMichael JacksonEarth Song6

73220 JanGeorge MichaelJesus To A Child1
73327 JanBabylon ZooSpaceman5
7342 MarOasisDon't Look Back In Anger1
7359 MarTake ThatHow Deep Is Your Love3
73630 MarThe ProdigyFirestarter3
73720 AprMark MorrisonReturn Of The Mack2
7384 MayGeorge MichaelFastlove3
73925 MayGina GOoh Aah... Just A Little Bit1
7401 JunBaddiel & Skinner & The Lightning SeedsThree Lions1
7418 JunFugeesKilling Me Softly4
re6 JulBaddiel & Skinner & The Lightning SeedsThree Lions1
re13 JulThe FugeesKilling Me Softly1
74220 JulGary BarlowForever Love1
74327 JulSpice GirlsWannabe7
74414 SepPeter AndreFlava1
74521 SepThe FugeesReady Or Not2
7465 OctDeep Blue SomethingBreakfast At Tiffanys1
74712 OctThe Chemical BrothersSetting Sun1
74819 OctBoyzoneWords1
74926 OctThe Spice GirlsSay You'll Be There2
7509 NovRobson & JeromeWhat Becomes Of The Broken Hearted /
Saturday Night At The Movies /
You'll Never Walk Alone
75123 NovThe ProdigyBreathe2
7527 DecPeter AndreI Feel You1
75314 DecBoyzoneA Different Beat1
75421 DecDunblaneKnockin' On Heaven's Door / Throw These Guns Away1
75528 DecSpice Girls2 Become 13

75618 JanTori AmosProfessional Widow1
75725 JanWhite TownYour Woman1
7581 FebBlurBeetlebum1
7598 FebL.L. Cool JAin't Nobody1
76015 FebU2Discotheque1
76122 FebNo DoubtDon't Speak3
76215 MarSpice GirlsWho Do You Think You Are / Mama3
7635 AprThe Chemical BrothersBlock Rockin' Beats1
76412 AprR. KellyI Believe I Can Fly3
7653 MayMichael JacksonBlood On The Dance Floor1
76610 MayGary BarlowLove Won't Wait1
76717 MayOliveYou're Not Alone2
76831 MayEternal featuring Bebe WinansI Wanna Be The Only One1
7697 JunHansonMmm Bop3
77028 JunPuff Daddy & Faith EvansI'll Be Missing You3
77119 JulOasisD'You Know What I Mean?1
re26 JulPuff Daddy & Faith EvansI'll Be Missing You3
77216 AugWill SmithMen In Black4
77313 SepThe VerveThe Drugs Don't Work1
77420 SepElton JohnCandle In The Wind '97 / Something About The Way You
Look Tonight
77525 OctSpice GirlsSpice Up Your Life1
7761 NovAquaBarbie Girl4
77729 NovVarious ArtistsPerfect Day2
77813 DecTeletubbiesTeletubbies Say 'Eh-Oh'2
77927 DecSpice GirlsToo Much2

re10 JanVarious ArtistsPerfect Day1
78017 JanAll SaintsNever Ever1
78124 JanOasisAll Around The World1
78231 JanUsherYou Make Me Wanna1
7837 FebAquaDr Jones2
78421 FebCeline DionMy Heart Will Go On1
78528 FebCornershopBrimful Of Asha1
7867 MarMadonnaFrozen1
re14 MarCeline DionMy Heart Will Go On1
78721 MarRun DMC vs Jason NevinsIt's Like That6
7882 MayBoyzoneAll I Need1
7899 MayAll SaintsUnder The Bridge / Lady Marmalade1
79016 MayAquaTurn Back Time1
re23 MayAll SaintsUnder The Bridge / Lady Marmalade1
79130 MayThe Tamperer featuring MayaFeel It1
7926 JunB*witchedC'Est La Vie2
79320 JunBaddiel & Skinner & The Lightning SeedsThree Lions 983
79411 JulBillieBecause We Want To1
79518 JulAnother LevelFreak Me1
79625 JulJamiroquaiDeeper Underground1
7971 AugSpice GirlsViva Forever2
79815 AugBoyzoneNo Matter What3
7995 SepThe Manic Street PreachersIf You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next1
80012 SepAll SaintsBootie Call1
80119 SepRobbie WilliamsMillennium1
80226 SepMelanie B featuring Missy ElliottI Want You Back1
8033 OctB*witchedRollercoaster2
80417 OctBillieGirlfriend1
80524 OctSpacedustGym & Tonic1
80631 OctCherBelieve7
80719 DecB*witchedTo You I Belong1
80826 DecThe Spice GirlsGoodbye1

8092 JanChefChocolate Salty Balls1
8109 JanStepsHeartbeat / Tragedy1
81116 JanFatboy SlimPraise You1
81223 Jan911A Little Bit More1
81330 JanThe OffspringPretty Fly (For A White Guy)1
8146 FebArmand Van HeldenYou Don't Know Me1
81513 FebBlondieMaria1
81620 FebLenny KravitzFly Away1
81727 FebBritney SpearsBaby One More Time2
81813 MarBoyzoneWhen The Going Gets Tough2
81927 MarB*witchedBlame It On The Weatherman1
8203 AprMr OizoFlat Beat2
82117 AprMartine McCutcheonPerfect Moment2
8221 MayWestlifeSwear It Again2
82315 MayThe Backstreet BoysI Want It That Way1
82422 MayBoyzoneYou Needed Me1
82529 MayShanks & BigfootSweet Like Chocolate2
82612 JunBaz LuhrmannEverybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)1
82719 JunS Club 7Bring It All Back1
82826 JunThe VengaboysBoom Boom Boom Boom1
8293 JulA.T.B.9pm (Till I Come)2
83017 JulRicky MartinLivin' La Vida Loca3
8317 AugRonan KeatingWhen You Say Nothing At All2
83221 AugWestlifeIf I Let You Go1
83328 AugGeri HalliwellMi Chico Latino1
8344 SepLou BegaMambo No5 (A Little Bit Of...)2
83518 SepThe VengaboysWe're Going To Ibiza!1
83625 SepEiffel 65Blue (Da Ba Dee)3
83716 OctChristina AguileraGenie In The Bottle2
83830 OctWestlifeFlying Without Wings1
8396 NovFiveKeep On Movin'1
84013 NovGeri HalliwellLift Me Up1
84120 NovRobbie WilliamsShe's The One / It's Only Us1
84227 NovThe Wamdue ProjectKing Of My Castle1
8434 DecCliff RichardThe Millennium Prayer3
84425 DecWestlifeI Have A Dream / Seasons In The Sun4

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