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Number 1 Albums - 1980s

Our main database does not give the precise date that a record reached the Number 1 spot. That situation is remedied here. The tables below list the running total of different number 1s, the date the track reached the peak, artist name, song title(s) and weeks at the summit.

The dates given below are for 'week ending'. Note that you can quickly and easily find the 'realtime' Number 1 for any given date via our date engine

(See the faqs for the difference between 'week ending' and 'realtime' Number 1.)

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re12 JanAbbaGreatest Hits Volume 21
22119 JanPretendersPretenders4
22216 FebVarious artist compilation (Motown)The Last Dance2
2231 MarShadowsString Of Hits3
22422 MarJohnny MathisTears And Laughter2
2255 AprGenesisDuke2
22619 AprRose RoyceGreatest Hits2
2273 MaySkySky 22
22817 MayBoney MThe Magic Of Boney M2
22931 MayPaul McCartneyMcCartney II2
23014 JunPeter GabrielPeter Gabriel2
23128 JunRoxy MusicFlesh And Blood1
2325 JulRolling StonesEmotional Rescue2
23319 JulQueenThe Game2
2342 AugDeep PurpleDeepest Purple1
2359 AugAC/DCBack In Black2
re23 AugRoxy MusicFlesh And Blood3
23613 SepGary NumanTelekon1
23720 SepKate BushNever For Ever1
23827 SepDavid BowieScary Monsters And Super Creeps2
23911 OctPoliceZenyatta Mondatta4
2408 NovBarbra StreisandGuilty2
24122 NovAbbaSuper Trouper9

24224 JanAdam & The AntsKings Of The Wild Frontier2
2437 FebJohn Lennon & Yoko OnoDouble Fantasy2
24421 FebPhil CollinsFace Value3
re14 MarAdam & The AntsKings Of The Wild Frontier10
24523 MayStar SoundStars On 455
24627 JunMotorheadNo Sleep Till Hammersmith1
2474 JulVarious artist compilation (Ronco)Disco Daze And Disco Nites1
24811 JulCliff RichardLove Songs5
24915 AugRoyaltyThe Official BBC Album Of The Royal Wedding2
25029 AugElectric Light OrchestraTime2
25112 SepMeat LoafDead Ringer2
25226 SepGenesisAbacab2
25310 OctPoliceGhost In The Machine3
25431 OctHuman LeagueDare1
2557 NovShakin' StevensShaky1
25614 NovQueenQueen's Greatest Hits4
25712 DecVarious artist compilation (K-Tel)Chart Hits '811
25819 DecAbbaThe Visitors3

re9 JanHuman LeagueDare3
25930 JanBarbra StreisandLove Songs7
26020 MarJamThe Gift1
re27 Barbra StreisandLove Songs2
26110 AprIron MaidenThe Number Of The Beast2
26224 AprStatus Quo19821
2631 MayBarry ManilowBarry Live In Britain1
2648 MayPaul McCartneyTug Of War2
26522 MayMadnessComplete Madness2
2665 JunRoxy MusicAvalon1
re12 JunMadnessComplete Madness1
re19 JunRoxy MusicAvalon2
2673 JulABCThe Lexicon Of Love4
26824 JulOriginal SoundtrackFame2
2697 AugKids From "Fame"The Kids From Fame8
2702 OctDire StraitsLove Over Gold4
re30 OctKids From "Fame"The Kids From Fame4
27127 NovAbbaThe Singles - The First Ten Years1
2724 DecJohn LennonThe John Lennon Collection6

27315 JanVarious artist compilation (Ronco)Raiders Of The Pop Charts2
27429 JanMen At WorkBusiness As Usual5
2755 MarMichael JacksonThriller1
27612 MarU2War1
re19 MarMichael JacksonThriller1
27726 MarTears For FearsThe Hurting1
2782 AprPink FloydThe Final Cut2
27916 AprBonnie TylerFaster Than The Speed Of Night1
28023 AprDavid BowieLet's Dance3
28114 MaySpandau BalletTrue1
re21 MayMichael JacksonThriller5
28225 JunPoliceSynchronicity2
2839 JulWham!Fantastic!2
28423 JulYazooYou And Me Both2
2856 AugBeach BoysThe Very Best Of The Beach Boys2
28620 AugMichael Jackson Plus The Jackson Five18 Greatest Hits3
re10 SepBeach BoysThe Very Best Of The Beach Boys1
28717 SepPaul YoungNo Parlez1
28824 SepUB40Labour Of Love1
re1 OctPaul YoungNo Parlez2
28915 OctGenesisGenesis1
29022 OctCulture ClubColour By Numbers3
29112 NovLionel RichieCan't Slow Down1
re19 NovCulture ClubColour By Numbers2
2923 DecDuran DuranSeven And The Ragged Tiger1
re10 DecPaul YoungNo Parlez1
29317 DecVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now, That's What I Call Music4

re14 JanPaul YoungNo Parlez1
re21 JanVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now, That's What I Call Music1
re28 JanMichael JacksonThriller1
2944 FebEurythmicsTouch2
29518 FebSimple MindsSparkle In The Rain1
29625 FebThompson TwinsInto The Gap3
29717 MarHoward JonesHuman's Lib2
re31 MarLionel RichieCan't Slow Down2
29814 AprVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music II5
29919 MayBob Marley & The WailersLegend - The Best Of Bob Marley & The Wailers12
30011 AugVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music III8
3016 OctDavid BowieTonight1
30213 OctU2The Unforgettable Fire2
30327 OctBig CountrySteeltown1
3043 NovPaul McCartneyGive My Regards To Broad Street (OST)1
30510 NovFrankie Goes To HollywoodWelcome To The Pleasuredome1
30617 NovWham!Make It Big2
3071 DecVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)The Hits Album/The Hits Tape - 32 Original Hits7

30819 JanAlison MoyetAlf1
30926 JanForeignerAgent Provocateur3
31016 FebBruce SpringsteenBorn In The U.S.A.1
31123 FebSmithsMeat Is Murder1
3122 MarPhil CollinsNo Jacket Required5
3136 AprPaul YoungThe Secret Of Association1
31413 AprVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)The Hits Album 2/The Hits Tape 26
31525 MayDire StraitsBrothers In Arms2
3168 JunStyle CouncilOur Favourite Shop1
31715 JunBryan FerryBoys And Girls2
31829 JunMarillionMisplaced Childhood1
re6 JulBruce SpringsteenBorn In The U.S.A.4
re3 AugDire StraitsBrothers In Arms2
31917 AugVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music 55
32021 SepMadonnaLike A Virgin1
32128 SepKate BushHounds Of Love2
re12 OctMadonnaLike A Virgin1
re19 OctKate BushHounds Of Love1
32226 OctGeorge BensonThe Love Songs1
3232 NovSimple MindsOnce Upon A Time1
re9 NovGeorge BensonThe Love Songs1
32316 NovSadePromise2
32530 NovVarious artist compilation (Telstar)The Greatest Hits Of 19851
3267 DecVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music 62
32721 DecVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now - The Christmas Album2

re4 JanVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music 62
re18 JanDire StraitsBrothers In Arms10
32829 MarVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)Hits 44
32926 AprBryan Ferry & Roxy MusicStreet Life - 20 Great Hits5
33031 MayPeter GabrielSo2
33114 JunQueenA Kind Of Magic1
33221 JunGenesisInvisible Touch3
33312 JulMadonnaTrue Blue6
33423 AugVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now, That's What I Call Music 75
33527 SepFive StarSilk And Steel1
3364 OctPaul SimonGraceland5
3378 NovPoliceEvery Breath You Take - The Singles2
33822 NovVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)Hits 52
3396 DecVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now, That's What I Call Music 86

34017 JanKate BushThe Whole Story2
re31 JanPaul SimonGraceland3
34121 FebLondon Stage CastThe Phantom Of The Opera3
34214 MarHot ChocolateThe Very Best Of Hot Chocolate1
34321 MarU2The Joshua Tree2
3444 AprVarious artist compilation (Virgin/EMI)Now That's What I Call Music 95
3459 MayCuriosity Killed The CatKeep Your Distance2
34623 MaySwing Out SisterIt's Better To Travel2
3476 JunSimple MindsLive In The City Of Light1
34813 JunWhitney HoustonWhitney6
34925 JulTerence Trent D'ArbyIntroducing The Hardline According To Terence Trent D'Arby1
3501 AugVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)Hits 64
35129 AugDef LeppardHysteria1
re5 SepVarious artist compilation (CBS/WEA)Hits 61
35212 SepMichael JacksonBad5
35317 OctBruce SpringsteenTunnel Of Love1
35424 OctStingNothing Like The Sun1
35531 OctFleetwood MacTango In The Night2
35614 NovGeorge MichaelFaith1
35721 NovT'PauBridge Of Spies1
35828 NovRick AstleyWhenever You Need Somebody1
3595 DecVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now That's What I Call Music 106

36016 JanWet Wet WetPopped In Souled Out1
36123 JanJohnny Hates JazzTurn Back The Clock1
re30 JanTerence Trent D'ArbyIntroducing The Hardline According To Terence Trent D'Arby8
36226 MarMorrisseyViva Hate1
3632 AprVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now That's What I Call Music 113
36423 AprIron MaidenSeventh Son Of A Seventh Son1
36530 AprErasureThe Innocents1
re7 MayFleetwood MacTango In The Night2
36621 MayPrinceLovesexy1
re28 MayFleetwood MacTango In The Night1
3674 JunVarious artist compilation (CBS)Nite Flite4
3682 JulTracy ChapmanTracy Chapman3
36923 JulVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now That's What I Call Music 125
37027 AugKylie MinogueKylie - The Album4
37124 SepVarious artist compilation (Vertigo)Hot City Nights1
3721 OctBon JoviNew Jersey2
37315 OctChris De BurghFlying Colours1
37422 OctU2Rattle And Hum1
37529 OctDire StraitsMoney For Nothing3
re19 NovKylie MinogueKylie - The Album2
3763 DecVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now That's What I Call Music 133
37724 DecCliff RichardPrivate Collection 1979-19882

Note that from 14th Jan 1989 compilation albums were excluded from the main album chart.

re7 JanVarious artist compilation (EMI/Virgin)Now That's What I Call Music 131
re14 JanErasureThe Innocents1
37821 JanRoy OrbisonThe Legendary Roy Orbison3
37911 FebNew OrderTechnique1
38018 FebFine Young CannibalsThe Raw And The Cooked1
38125 FebSimply RedA New Flame4
38225 MarGloria Estefan & Miami Sound MachineAnything For You1
3831 AprMadonnaLike A Prayer2
38415 AprDeacon BlueWhen The World Knows Your Name2
re29 AprSimply RedA New Flame1
3856 MayHolly JohnsonBlast!1
38613 MaySimple MindsStreet Fighting Years1
38720 MayJason DonovanTen Good Reasons2
3883 JunQueenThe Miracle1
re10 JunJason DonovanTen Good Reasons2
38924 JunPaul McCartneyFlowers In The Dirt1
3901 JulPrinceBatman (OST)1
3918 JulTransvision VampVelveteen1
39215 JulSoul II SoulClub Classics Volume One1
re22 JulSimply RedA New Flame4
3935 AugGloria EstefanCuts Both Ways6
39416 SepLondon Stage CastAspects Of Love1
39523 SepEurythmicsWe Too Are One1
39630 SepTina TurnerForeign Affair1
3977 OctTears For FearsThe Seeds Of Love1
39814 OctTracy ChapmanCrossroads1
39921 OctKylie MinogueEnjoy Yourself1
40028 OctErasureWild!2
40111 NovChris ReaThe Road To Hell3
4022 DecPhil CollinsBut Seriously8

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